Here are some of the questions we get asked about our hobby, the vehicles and the figures we collect.
How did you first learn about 1/6 scale collectables?
Most of us had 1/6 scale GI Joe's in our collection from the 70s. In the late 90s, Hasbro reintroduced some Classic Collection Joe's then in 1997, 21st Century Toys started making 1/6 scale figures that were more detailed than Hasbro and included a wider range of figures from WWII, Vietnam and Modern Services. In 1999, the bar was raised with 1/6 figures made by Dragon Models based in Hong Kong. These figures offered the best authenticity and variety based mostly on WWII. Plus, when they got going they put out up to 4 WWII figures a month. Needless to say our collections grew fast and then vehicles and other accessories started to appear from Dragon and other manufacturers growing our club to what it is today.
What types of materials are used to make the vehicles?
Most vehicles are made from various plastics and resins used for molding detailed parts. Higher end vehicles are made from metal. The upside and downside to each can vary. Resin and plastic are lighter and sometimes more rugged. Metal usually is too heavy to move around easily. Metal can also lack detail. However, Metal offers some vehicle types that can be produced in lower volumes at higher prices without a lot of capital investment on the supplier end. Some parts are also made from wood as it is durable and light! For the most part, our group does static 1/6 vehicles (no R/C).
Do you build the vehicles from scratch or do you buy them "as is"?
Both. Some come in kit form which requires assembly. Others are built and painted right out of the box for instant display. Often times, built models are painted the wrong color, so repainting and weathering is common in our group. Kits are fairly easily built as they require minimal modeling skills, but adding detail requires more advanced modeling and fabrication skills to get the right look and function. Our group uses as much real photo evidence as we can to get it "right". So much of what we do is buy the kit, make the modifications, paint em and display em!
How do you make the dioramas?
Diorama pieces are made using material you can buy at the local hardware and craft stores. "Geppetto Joe" is our primary diorama builder and he makes use of Styrofoam and cereal box cardboard to make most buildings and we use plywood for ground and street sections. Finishing techniques on building and terrain dioramas include plaster and concrete path to get the right look without making the diorama's too heavy to move, display and/or store.
How often does your club meet?
Our group as a whole usually meets every month in the more tolerable months (October-May). We meet less often in the summer as it often too hot to work in our garages. There are several events each year we meet up for on weekends such as the Southwest Military Vehicle Show and the 1-2 times per year we lure Scott Carter from Faded Armour to come out and paint vehicles (also dubbed The Weekend of Scott).
Are you looking for new members to join?
Yes, we are always looking for new faces to join the crew. We welcome new perspectives, skill sets and insights into the 1/6 Hobby. Send us an e-mail if you would like to join us at our next meeting. Or, check our Events page for any upcoming events we'll be particpating in and stop by and introduce yourself.
I don't live in Arizona, any suggestions on how I can find a club in my area?
The best place to start in this regard is to reach out on one of the three active hobby message boards. There are other clubs throughout the country that meet up for dioramas, shows, etc. Here are some links:
Thanks for taking the time to learn more about the one sixth hobby!
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